Homeostasis and Stress: Chaos Theory




The concept of Homeostasis and the Stages of Stress of the Generalized Adaptation Syndrome when combined with the principles of Chaos Theory and the Tiller-Einstein Model ofPositive-Negative Space-Time offer a new model of healing based on the subtle energy flows of the Universe. The Stages ofStress of Hans Selyes . General Adaptation Syndrome result/rom the need to maintain physiological homeostasis to avoid crossing the “phase transition .. boundaries of the homeostatic limits. which when crossed generate Distress. To prevent Distress and bring (hephysiological parameter in Distress back within the Homeostatic Limits. the body generates a series of compensations. If the stressor causing the Distress remains unresolved, it leads to long-term chronic physiological compensations resulting in a ··new” compensated homeostasis, but one further from optimum/unction. As homeostasis represents a complex set o( dynamic interacting equilbria Chaos Theory best describes this new self-organized system. Once self-organized. the new compensated homeostasis resists change. and unless de-compensated and driven into chaos by crossing the “phase transition” of the homeostatic limits, if cannot change. However. once the system goes chaotic what causes re-organization to move closer to optimal homeostasis? In the model proposed. based upon the Tiller/Einstein Model 0/ Positive/Negative Space-Time. Deltronic flow in the/arm of Love and Compassion from Negative Space-Time directed by human Intention provide the organizational information to “push” the re-organization toward optimum  function, a process called “Healing”!

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