Bilateral Muscle Weakness Correction 92




A description is given for correction of bilaterally inhibited muscles

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2 Thoughts on “Bilateral Muscle Weakness Correction 92

  1. This appears to be the first paper John Thie presented on the Spinal Reflexes

  2. This is excellent information about the origins of this technique, sometimes called the “only” reflex system essentially invented by Dr. John Thie, based on interaction with Dr. Bruce Dewe. Nowadays we do not emphasize either the origin as an alternative to spinal adjustment, or the association with fixation subluxation, but it is valuable background information. Also noteworthy is the fact that ennervation does not seem to be a 100% match with the level of the spinal reflex for a specific muscle, though there is probably some inter-relation.

    After introduction of this technique, it has been adopted worldwide by the International Kinesiology College. Personally I teach it from the beginning of TFH level ONE. It is so simple, quick, easy and effective that one criticism is that it works too good: If we start with the Spinal Reflex (SR) we might seldom use other reflexes, such as the Neurovasculars, Meridian, Muscle Proprioceptors, or the Acupressure Holding Points. This is quite true, even when Circuit Locating the reflexes prior to any balancing (to identify those involved, or indicate which are a priority) the SR will be indicated in a high percentage of cases, however, sometimes other reflexes will show up as more effective in a given moment.

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