Shapes of Stress



This new finger mode was discovered quite by accident; actually by a combination of curiosity and sloppy practice. As a practitioner in my clinic I kept running into the PKP mode for Shapes of Emotions (or so I thought). The description in the PKP III manual explained only that this was a Three in One Concepts technique, that it used some sort of cards, and it is “Very powerful and a reason to take the ‘Structural Neurology’ workshop.” The fact that I had never taken this workshop and yet this mode kept reoccurring during the course of my balances was a source of frustration and prompted me to experiment with some 3×5 cards on which I drew various common shapes such as the list below. Each time the mode occurred I was able to get a weak 1M when the client looked at a specific shape. It wasn’t until almost a year later that I discovered I had been placing the EM finger on the pad of the palm instead of the base of the thumb. I later discovered this was an emotional release point on the lung meridian.

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